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Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93703

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      Helping Smiles of All Ages be Healthy and Attractive

Tooth Extractions, Root Canal Therapy & TMJ Treatments in Fresno CA


Visit Dr. Treva Lee in Fresno CA for your dental needsA tooth extraction, more popularly known as having a tooth pulled, is when a dentist removes a tooth from its socket in the jaw bone. Tooth extraction is used as a last resort, often after other treatment options fail or will no longer correct the problem.

Dentists definitely want to fight damage to your smile. It’s what we’re all about! With regular general dental visits to Dr. Treva Lee in Fresno, California, you can hopefully avoid cavities, and even if a cavity develops, we can repair it early. But sometimes a cavity leaves your tooth root exposed to disease and infection, opening you up to possible tooth loss if the situation isn’t treated. That’s why we provide root canal therapy. With root canal therapy, we can help you keep your tooth by treating the infection.

TMJ treatment by Dr. Treva Lee will bring back the smile to your face by relieving your pain and discomfort. Many people who have been suffering chronic pain for years may be surprised to learn that the cause of their aches and pains could be TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder). Our Fresno and Clovis sufferers have found that by receiving the correct diagnosis and treatment they have been able to, once again, enjoy a pain free life!

1 Tooth Extractions

Extractions are usually reserved only for cases in which no other treatment option will cure the infection or problem. MORE INFO

3 TMJ Treatments

If you think you might be experiencing the effects of TMJ, Dr. Treva Lee would love to help you find the right solutions for you!. MORE INFO